Just a thought for the day for any of you looking at buying or selling a used car anytime in the near future; there are a number of great deals to be had on Facebook or Craigslist from private owners selling/buying their cars, but I want to issue a warning or an alert. Be extremely careful who you deal with, in the last few days I've come across liars, thieves, and bad people. People that are out to get money and care nothing about you, these are people locally, I'm not even talking about the thousands of online scams people are running (I know 3 people personally who've been victimized by these). When you buy a car from a private individual do a few things to be safe; meet somewhere public like a Walmart, a bank, state trooper office or police station. Deal with cash only, unless you can verify the funds from a check before signing paperwork. Verify that the name on the title of the vehicle you are buying is the name of the person you are dealing with (ask for their driver's license). If you are selling a vehicle, it is your responsibility to make sure that all of the buyer's and seller's information is filled out on the title, so do it. If you discover that a person is lying to you, I suggest that you avoid buying a car from them, what else might they be lying to you about? Click HERE to read an article I wrote detailing all the steps you should take to make sure you buy a dependable vehicle! If you are so inclined to purchase a quality used automobile from a used car dealer, here are a few of the locations I suggest you visiting, I know the owners of each of these locations personally, they are good people that care about their customers. Thanks and have a blessed day! A & P Auto Sales Broadway Motors Champ Hinton Enterprises Hackler's Auto Sales Rose Auto Sales
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AuthorSmall Business Owner, Self Employed, Entrepreneur, Minister, Husband, Father, Son, Brother and Friend. Archives
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